Originally Posted by GarthB
No, the CPL issue involves this year's reserves and possibly a few pro school grads who did not attend PBUC. It affects the amateur umpires who formerly worked CPL the most.
Yes it does affect CPL umpires a great deal. Many of those umpires have been working in the CPL since its inception eleven years ago. Many depended on the income from those games to supplement a variety of things. Many used the CPL as a way to hone their abilities.
It will be very interesting to see what happens when umpires who did not attend PBUC (ie, the guys not good enough to be honors grads) begin working the CPL. While the level of baseball may be similar to that which first year umpires may experience, handling college "all star" teams is a very different matter than handling professional teams with big clubs laying down rules for acceptable and unacceptable behavior.