Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Here is the updated bench decorum rule:
BENCH DECORUM RULE---The girls and boys now have the same exact bench decorum rule. Hopefully this will eliminate any misunderstanding or misapplication previously caused by having different rules. There are a couple of basic changes for girls’ coaches. One coach no longer has the liberty to stand the entire time while the game is in progress. A coach will now be allowed to stand and confer with a player(s) whenever the clock is not running. Communication with the player(s) only shall be done in a positive manner and shall take place directly in front of where the coach was seated. Once the ball is back in play and the clock running, the coach must be seated. The same allowances remain in effect as before regarding being able to stand up to call a time out, care for an injured player, coach during a time-out or intermission, go to the scorer’s bench for a correctable error, to replace a disqualified player, and to cheer a great play by their team—but then must return immediately to the bench. While replacing a disqualified player, the coach is now allowed to walk along the team bench to get a player selected to substitute into the game for the disqualified player.
This is a 7-12 grade rule. There will obviously be some preventative officiating done especially early in the season as we transition into this new rule. However flagrant or repeat offenses need to be called. This is not intended to be a time to stand and criticize officials. If standing, the coach shall be coaching their kids. Once seated again, most officials will be willing to move into an area where normal conversation can occur.