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Old Tue Apr 01, 2008, 07:03pm
eyezen eyezen is offline
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Location: Lincoln Co, Missouri
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9. Eliminate the jump ball to begin overtime.

Rationale: By rule an overtime period is a “continuation of the 4th quarter.” Why do we eliminate the alternating position arrow and start the overtime with a jump ball instead of giving it to the team that was entitled to it at the end of the 4th quarter? If a game went into multiple overtimes and one team had a player significantly taller than the other team, that team could win the toss each time and gain quite an advantage with the first possession in each overtime. This change would simply continue the pattern of giving the next opportunity for a jump ball, i.e. the start of overtime, to the team that had the alternating-possession arrow at the end of the 4th quarter.

Emphasis mine.

Now think about that for a moment. Firstly, my smart azz response is what should we do, make a height limit? Or how about team A has 6"8" kid, team B would need kid over 6'6" for team A 6'8" kid to be eligible. What next, classes by enrollment and height? Say Class4under6'4" Class3over6"2" Class1midgetsonly

Secondly, again think about this for a moment, if said game is going into multiple overtimes, exactly how big of an advantage is it to win the toss?
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