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Old Tue Apr 01, 2008, 06:14pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
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Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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Talking Top Ten

Signs you're watching way too much NCAA basketball courtesy of David Letterman:

10. At a dinner party, you make guests tip-off for every pork chop
9. You’ve got a tattoo of Jim Nantz where a tattoo of Jim Nantz shouldn’t be
8. You name your child “Gonzaga”
7. You just checked into rehab to kick a $500-a-day nacho cheese addiction
6. You got a 35 second shot clock in your bedroom
5. Constantly asking “What would Michigan State coach Tom Izzo do?”
4. Snack plus lack of activity equals sweet sixteen chins
3. You’re so caught up in basketball, you don’t even care that “The Hills” Audrina is about to go on her first date since breaking up with Justin Bobby
2. Kick everyone’s a$$ in Scrabble by putting “Krzyzewski” on triple word score
1. You’ll watch anything leathery and orange on CBS – even Letterman

Personally, I think number 6 is by far the funniest.

BTW - Letterman even made fun of how Coach K pronounces his name vs. how it's spelled. He said that's like pronouncing "L-E-T-T-E-R-M-A-N" as "Schnauzer".
Yom HaShoah
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