Originally Posted by mbyron
In both instances the crucial judgment call is whether the fly ball "can be fielded by an infielder with ordinary effort."
Originally Posted by fitump56
Bzzzzzzzzt, wrong, INF do NOT have to be involved in an IFF. In Big Boy Ball, an OF can easily be determined inside the ordinary effort call to be the player who is putting out the ordinary effort hence = IFF.
A key to this interpretation is the ability for the fly ball to have considerable hang time. As you ponted out, this will often not be the case in the younger age groups even at 60/90 ball.
mbyron is incorrect in assuming that only an INF can be judged as attaining OE in the interpretation of the IFF rule. F7-9 if positioned in the infield, they are still charted as OF (feel free to see the Definition Of IFF), are INFs for the purpose of this call.