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Old Tue Apr 01, 2008, 04:09pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
So currently do you toss the ball or a coin at the start of the game?
They quit doing the coin toss the year I left. There are some other differences, as jalons states. The arrow was one (wasn't aware they'd changed it.) It was the one difference I liked, personally.
Also, they line up for free throws the college way (lower block empty, top block can be occupied.) Girls allow the coaching box, boys do not. Previously, there were no indirect Ts in girls ball (not sure if these have changed.) There has been a concerted effort lately to make the rules more similar to the boys.

I'd never heard the reasoning that officials were inconsistent. I had heard there was concern over players getting hurt during jump balls, so that's why they went to the coin toss for a few years (I'm pretty sure it was more than 2 seasons.) My guess is the guy who proposed the safety timeout is related to the one who got the coin toss getting implemented.
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