Originally Posted by mbyron
You're posting behind an internet alias. You're not saying anything publicly.
Tom, isn't it?
the alias is/was used because posting on public forums is specifically addressed in the CBA as something that isn't allowed. upon my retirement i "came out" since the CBA no longer applied to me. i thought about changing my user name, but i didn't think it would really make a difference. furthermore, even if my user name read "amluvicepresidenttomclarkefrommassachusetts" it could still be considered an alias as anyone could have created an account with this name. that is why i preceded my post with the disclaimer. and finally, there is a difference in me saying something publicly on this forum, and the amlu saying something publicly to the world, which is why i said, "what
I am willing to say publicly..." sorry if there was any confusion about who was speaking.