Originally Posted by CO ump
I simply proposed a theory which is consistent with the current and original rules. It's all I did was propose a theory, never made any claims.
That's not quite correct. You made several claims including; "EVANS IS WRONG!'
Most everyone else who responded however did make claims that I was wrong, including GB who said without a doubt he KNEW the original intent and I was wrong.
That's fine, theories are made to be disproven, but like any good educator I simply asked for backup on the claim. GB to date has failed miserably.
I would suggest that your emotional attachment to your position has blinded you. I have quoted respected and accepted sources. You have quoted a dictionary and simply repeated the question over and over and over. A wonderful technique.
JM had a great post very insightful and he almost had me give up, but I regained my spirit and in my fight to keep my theory alive I debunked most of his argument
One again, your are wrong.
My perspective on this thread
Big steve brought up the tie issue.
He was insulted for bringing it up. Even though GB has lengthy discussions on the issue with his friends he has no tolerance for any one posting on the issue. hmmm
When I saw the lack of love for 56 I jumped in with my own newly formed theory, supporting my bro in blue as it were. Then the world of intolerant umps ascended upon me.
Your lack of experience at this board got in your way. "BigSteve56 is a long time troll who many of us know. His moniker is a combination or BigUmp 56 and San Diego Steve. He posts primarily to stir things up and be a thorn in their sides. Their is no love for him by anyone who knows him.
Let's see if anyone see a difference in communiction skills between these two responses. My theory original intent may be that they intended for TGTTR
A. GB response(paraphrased) You're wrong, I know the original intent you're wrong and you apparently have no business being an ump and have no feel for the game. You're wrong, I'm right.
The two pictures you draw are cartoonish: You are wonderful, innocent, absolutely correct in your thinking and never told anyone they were wrong., Gee, I wish I could be like you.
Since he had zero confirmed research to back up such a claim may I suggest this approach.
Again, I was the only one to quote recognized experts in the field. What's that saying....you can lead a horse to water....
In your case, you beat that poor horse to death with your endless repetition of the rule while, apparently, holding your hands over your ears (eyes?) and singing "la la la la la la la."
B. I don't think TGTTR was ever an issue at any point of rules writing. I have many influential and learned friends who, after studying this issue have concluded as much. There's nothing in any research I've heard about to support your theory and the modern interpretation of the rule certainly does not support you.
Add: "At no time in history was this rule interpreted in this fashion" and you've got a pretty good summary of what I've been telling you.
I don't know how anyone can get along in life responding in A. fashion but it didn't influence me and since he couldn't back up the statement with anything but my friends told me so I think it made him look a bit foolish.
You don't seem to read very well,
Anything along a B response would have ended my conversation with him on page 1.Actually B is the way I was going to respond to Big Steve before the ascencion (sp) of intolerant umps came over him.
Well, live and learn. I certainly have. I made a huge mistake early on. When you summarily dismissed the opinion of the only authoritative person brought up in this discussion...when you decided that you knew more than those who have spent years researching the evolution of rules...when you decided your understanding of a dictionary entry entitled you to declare that you were absolutely correct and everyone else was wrong, that's when I should have surrendered the bandwidth to you. It should have been obvious to me, as it was to most of the others, that you would refuse to ever see reality.
I apologize to all those whose warnings I did not heed.
But...9 pages!