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Old Tue Apr 01, 2008, 12:24am
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,263
Originally Posted by GarthB

Your comments regarding AMLU getting the blame for something they did not do and, indeed, are against, are exactly what I and RichMSN predicted last week, and what the AMLU will need to publicly address at some time in the future.

I can assure you, they are not happy about this, either. It will be interesting to see how they address the issue with PBUC and how they address it with the amateurs. I wish them well.
The amateurs that go to the Coastal Plains League are potential future AMLU members. I would think there isn't much they can do about it. From the looks of things the Evans and Wendlestadt schools could be in trouble as far as sending trainees to PBUC, if PBUC decides to take over their own training and supply these college summer leagues with umpires. It may what the future holds as change is always a constant in the labor force.

Everybody saw how well the last strike worked and PBUC more than likely now knows that it can get any umpire that crawls out of the woodwork to do it's games. The AMLU is not at this present time able to flex any muscle as far as major labor issues are concerned. Their best bet right now is taking care of it's members and setting it's sights on the future. AMLU needs to prepare for changes and recognize those changes that come along as to whether they are harmful or actually benefit the union.

They already have one poster squawking about how it isn't fair that he might not get a chance to to summer collegiate ball. This country is in a recession and companies are going to get as lean and mean as possible. If PBUC and the CPL decides this is the best and cheapest option, I guarantee it will happen in spite of the wishes of a few amateurs. The AMLU needs to protect all future potential members if it wants to play ball and forget all this nonsense that solidarity exists. I wish them well, also.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
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