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Old Mon Mar 31, 2008, 11:22pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Location: Spokane, WA
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Originally Posted by CO ump
Not so wild, very logical you must admit.

"Discussed at length"

No. If I found that logical, I would indeed have failed the course. But I do find it very telling.

Whenever I am with Jim or others with similar background and experience, I find occasion to discuss at length anything baseball. I let them direct the conversation and I participate when appropriate.

You obviously do not know me. Yes, I've been involved in discussions about the tie misconception and other myths over the years.

Oh, I know, "Evans is wrong" and you are right. You just can't understand that what you think of when you see certain words is not what was meant over 100 years ago. That's quite egocentric of you, but to be expected, I've discovered.

Again, given the choice of whom to trust, you come out on the bottom.

But, please, keep it coming. Only one page to go to get to 9 before this is locked forever.

You're it.

P.S. Don't be late for exercise. Oh, my. do you take that literally as well?

Last edited by GarthB; Mon Mar 31, 2008 at 11:41pm.
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