Originally Posted by GarthB
Bottom line is that I have discussed this at length with those who have spent the time to understand "orginal intent" and I will trust them over an internet umpire screaming "the tie goes to the runne...it says so right here, sort of." They know baseball while you have an average understanding of Webster.
Now then:
(Where the hell is that horse?)
My guess is they're probably guessing. If there was definitive writings on the original intent then they would have been published long ago to counter the dreaded Tie goes to the runner myth.
From which resources have they spent so much time studying? Whose great grandson did they interview?
I'm guessing your friends are giving it their best guess.
Which is fine because that's all I'm doing
Usually myths have some basis in truth and IMO it could very well be that back in the 19th century TGTTR may have been an accepted concept.
As umpires got more sophisticated and realized that outs were much better than safes they, on their own and without benefit of rule changes, got past TGTTR and into I'll take the out where I can get it.
To the umpires dismay, the outrage of the public, the players, the coaches was unbearable, the umpires, afraid of losing so many outs, bound together and en masse began to perpetrate the myth that there are no ties, it was a losing battle. They were even so bold as to put TGTTR on the list of top 10 baseball myths.
To this day, the umpires have not yet been able to fully pull the wool over the publics eyes. The montra at parks and stadiums nationwide remains
The lonely umpire can only point to his list of mythical myths and say "but there are no ties."
The public will have none of it, it's in their genetics- TGTTR.
Everyday Alex and Abner cry from the grave. "Please, please just give the tie to the runner and let's be done with it"
But alas, for generations now every umpire has gone to his grave fighting for that one more out.
Today the myth continues to be perpetrated.
That's my theory. Prove me wrong
You know why I came up with this theory last week? That TGTTR may have been part of original intent? Because I've yet to find any credible resource to the contrary, the rules support my supposition and I love to tweek the he!! out of you guys, not to mention that the second somebody says anything outside your tidy little box you go ape and start hurling the insults. It's hard to sit on the sidelines and watch the piling on.