Originally Posted by PeteBooth
The definition of evident is not "F2 has the ball". By evident I interpret to mean the old FED terminolgy "imminent in nature" If the USSSA houserule did mean "A fileder has possession of the ball" then that's how they should have worded it.
Also, a runner does not have only 3 choices as was mentioned in the USSSA rule. They can come in "standing up", however, if you go by their "house rule" that is not one of the options.
Personally (and FED is now doing this somewhat) is go by the NCAA ruling concerning collisions. Collision un-avoidabe - play on Collission avoidable then penalize. IMO, FED will also adopt this type language in the years to come.
You cannot take "contact" out of baseball.
Pete Booth
God, I read that and I wonder how I cope year upon year.
I know: I just call the freaking games and I don't worry about it.
Saturday I had my first games. Pitcher licks hand, goes to the ball, steps on the rubber. Ball 1. Easy.
Obstruction? Even easier this year than before. I'll call it just how they want it.
Why wring your hands over it? Just call the game.