That's just plain ignorant. The word "tie" is a word for a reason. "ties" happen, and in this case the rules account for it.
The rules account for it so why throw a hissyfit if someone mentions it?
As Garth said the rule-makers were not stupid. You are either out or safe.
If we go by what you recommend then in effect we have a "do-over" because there was a tie.
In our Profession these close plays are not called TIES, they are called "coin-flip" calls and there are factors we should consider.
If F6 goes deep into the hole and makes a spectacular play and the play at first is a "coin-flip" then we reward the defense.
Conversely, if B1 hits a routine ground ball to F4 and B1 is busting it out of the box and F4 mis-plays the ball and turns what should have been a routine play into a "coin-flip" we reward the offense.
This site is still valuable and there are new posters or young umpires trying to learn and the word TIE is not contained in any rule nor should it be.
Pete Booth