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Old Sun Mar 30, 2008, 09:42am
Rich Ives Rich Ives is offline
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Originally Posted by bucknutsx33
as long as the fielder was in fair territory when he made contact with the ball and knocked it over the fence that would still be considered a 4 base award. just think about jose canseco.. the ball hit off his head and went over. Homerun.
The Jose bounce went over the fence in fair territory. We're discussing one that hit the fielder fair then went over in foul territory.

OBR 6.09(h) Any fair fly ball is deflected by the fielder into the stands, or over the fence into foul territory, in which case the batter shall be entitled to advance to second base; but if deflected into the stands or over the fence in fair territory, the batter shall be entitled to a home run. However, should such a fair fly be deflected at a point less than 250 feet from home plate, the batter shall be entitled to two bases only.

NCAA: 8-3-o. Each runner is entitled to two bases: (2) If a fair ball bounces or is deflected into foul territory outside the playing field and goes into the stands or spectator area; or if it goes through or under a field fence, through or under a scoreboard or through or under shrubbery or vines on the fence; or if it sticks in such fence, scoreboard, shrubbery or vines.

FED seems on the surface to not include this rule.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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