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Old Sun Mar 30, 2008, 09:26am
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
Great question. The answer to this is easy if both officials make eye contact with each other, realize that their call is not the same as their partner's, blow the whistle to stop the clock during the dead ball period after the ball goes through the basket, confer to see who got the best look, come to a mutually agreed upon conclusion, and report this mutually agreed upon conclusion to the table, after which the nonscoring team will get to put the ball in play by a throwin on the endline during which they can "run the line".
I am not sure I buy this mechanic. If there is any doubt, it's two, with two officials signalling different signals there must be some doubt and someone clearly saw the two... Go with two. There is no need to discuss this, make sure scorer knows and keep the game going...
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