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Old Sat Mar 29, 2008, 01:49pm
SAump SAump is offline
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More faulty logic

Originally Posted by dash_riprock
A perceived tie is always an out. The umpire will be watching the base to determine the time of touch by the runner, and listening for the ball hitting the glove to determine the time of catch by the fielder. Light travels much faster than sound, and will arrive at the umpire's eyes before the sound gets to his ears. Therefore, on a perceived tie, the catch occurred first.
TC has adressed concerns with human percerption.
Speed of light and sound have no bearing in a tie.
But indispensible when determining the easy call, safe or out.

The umpire watches the base because it is easier to gauge the touch with our eyes, than to gauge with our ears. When that moment occurs, it easier to make a distinction on whether or not the ball has already been caught and vice-versa. It would be more difficult to watch the catch and then look for the touch of the foot on the base. This has also been verified on the baseball diamond. It is not news. Although the ears provide additional info to the brain, no umpire I know relies on his ears to verify a catch. Again, already address by TC.

Last edited by SAump; Sat Mar 29, 2008 at 03:44pm.
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