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Old Sat Mar 29, 2008, 12:54pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Wrong Signal, NFHS Correctable Time Limit ...

Originally Posted by robertclasalle
Is this different from signaling 3 for a known 2, or vice versa? Does this error have the typical time frame associated with it? Rule 2-10-1-e and 2-10-2 and 2-10-3 limit the time to correct.
In the case of the original post, which was a bookkeeping "mistake". This could be corrected at any time until all the officials left the visual confines of the court

In the followup question, if the official signals a three, for what was really a two, or doesn't signal a three, for what was really a three, NFHS Rule 2-10 does come into play, with the time limitations to correct the error:

NFHS 2-10-1: Officials may correct an error if a rule is inadvertently set aside and results in: a. Failure to award a merited free throw. b. Awarding an unmerited free throw. c. Permitting a wrong player to attempt a free throw. d. Attempting a free throw at the wrong basket. e. Erroneously counting or canceling a score.

NFHS 2-10-2: In order to correct any of the officials’ errors listed in Article 1, such error must be recognized by an official no later than during the first dead ball after the clock has properly started.

NFHS 2-10-3: If in Article 1e the error is made while the clock is running and the ball dead, it must be recognized by an official before the second live ball.

NFHS 2-10-5: Points scored, consumed time and additional activity, which may occur prior to the recognition of an error, shall not be nullified. Errors because of free-throw attempts by the wrong player or at the wrong basket shall be corrected by applying 8-1 and 2.

NFHS 2-10-6: If an error is corrected, play shall be resumed from the point of interruption to rectify the error, unless it involves awarding a merited free throw(s) and there has been no change of team possession since the error was made, in which case play shall resume as after any free-throw attempt(s).

Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Mar 29, 2008 at 01:13pm.
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