Originally Posted by TwoBits
I do not like the wording "seek to avoid contact"
Baseball contrary to popular belief IS a contact sport. The rule is vague and can cause all kinds of problems the way it is worded.
Pete Booth
"All kinds of problems" for whom? Umpires? So what?
The rule is there to meet insurance regulations/guidelines and if this makes your life difficult, then go call MiLB. I tire of hearing the constant whine from umpires about how rules interps makes tier lives soooooo troblesome. I have a clue for all of you.
It's going to get worse than better.
Best you GTF up and deal with the realities, adults for many years tauaght kids to play baseball like football. The injuries and fatalities mounted until there haad to b something done. Now that these rules are being implemented, Pete here claims they create "all kinds of problems".
The problems are not the rules, they are Pete Booth.