A couple of decades ago, a rather infamous billboard advertisement for the National Federation of Teachers depicted a deeply involved teacher standing in front of a class full of interested pupils, several with their hands raised, eager to be called on.
The caption for this picture: "Teachers—Our Dedication Has Never Waivered"
"Acedemic Excellence" (?!)
Scholar wasn't all they misspelled.
I do a lot of medical editing. The most common misspelling of a medical field involves eye doctors. Without looking it up, can you spell the formal name for an eye doctor?
Caption for a full-page color ad in the New York Times Magazine a few years ago: "Changing Her Mind Is a Woman's Perogative"
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!
Last edited by greymule; Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 03:25pm.