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Old Fri Mar 28, 2008, 01:32am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by canuckrefguy
I think what fiasco was saying - and what I was referring to - was us, as officials, being conscious of how quick we are to judge, criticize, and second-guess others....seeing as how we can be sometimes be fairly defensive when it comes to others coming here and criticizing us.

To be aware of that, I don't think, is unreasonable.
Once again, I do not compare a fan that is supporting a team with a media member that can fact check information and is reporting to the general public. Even if I had an opinion about this issue, I do not have a forum to voice that opinion on the national airways or I do not write an article that millions have the opportunity to read. I guess what we say here can be seen by millions, but the reality a very small percentage of people will ever read our comments here and our comments are not referenced as fact about sports and officiating.

Hill suggested that the NBA is looking for the average Joe off the street that has never officiated a game in their life to work in the NBA. Not only is that not true, there is no suggestion that this information is true. If you have never worked a JH game in your life, chances of you working in the NBA or being hired by the NDBL is slim to none. She could have fact checked that information before spouting off what the "try out" actually entailed.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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