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Old Thu Mar 27, 2008, 11:26pm
fiasco fiasco is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Not sure if you can read this from up there on your high horse, but....

Rut did not make a sweeping generalization. "the media are at it again" can easily be backed up by specific examples of goofs in the media.
It can be, but it wasn't. It was "backed up" by one isolated incident. It was then backed up by more vague references to "media people" getting information from "coaches" and not doing some sort of due diligence in researching something. I'm not even sure what because that part of Rut's post was so incredibly vague it was hard to grasp.

You only have to visit this board a handful of times to know that when some "fanboy" comes on here and calls out officiating as a profession with precious little more than an isolated incident and makes a sweeping generalization about basketball officials as a whole, said person is going to have a lot of pissy posters demanding for the "fanboy" to either shut his piehole or provide some specific back-up for his statements.

It's just funny how, when the tables are turned, the standards are different.
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