Originally Posted by fiasco
Uh...yes you are. The title of the thread is "the media is at it again." You are making a sweeping generalization about all the media based on one instance you observed recently.
If it was a generalization then I would not have given a specific example.
Originally Posted by fiasco
When the average fan makes a comment like "referees are corrupt," based on some random game they watched involving a solitary crew, that is also making a sweeping generalization. I'm not sure why you insist that you are saying something that you clearly are not.
I guess I am missing the point you are making. Because when fans come here and make statements, we usually require specific information or specific situations. And I do not get upset when a fan says "Referees......." Maybe you do not read this board that often when I and others ask for a specific play or situation. And what does that have to do with me anyway? My post is not about what fans may or may not say? Sounds like this is your issue.
Originally Posted by fiasco
Do you have specific examples of this or are you just spouting off?
All you have to do is turn on CNN, MSNBC or Fox and you can see some form of scrutiny. I am not trying to turn this into political conversation, but Clinton was ripped apart for here claims in Bosnia. Obama is ripped because he talked about positions he took before he was in the U.S. Senate. McCain was ripped for his positions on the war and even some comments he made that were not accurate about where Al-Quada located in and out of Iraq. And any statements to defend themselves or clarify their positions the media went after all of them about their positions or explanations.
Originally Posted by fiasco
In other words, if I watch you ref a game and I say "boy, Rut really made a bunch of bad calls today and it cost Illinois High the game," I better have some specific examples of what I'm talking about and not some sweeping generalizations, because that's all your posts have contained up until now.
I guess you are having trouble reading, because not only did I point out the person that made the specific comments, I stated where I heard them and who said them. I also gave other examples of how the media could have fact checked the information.
Maybe you do not know what specific means. Do you want social security numbers and Tax ID numbers of all the outlets that put out the information? Would that make the example much more specific?