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Old Thu Mar 27, 2008, 10:39pm
fiasco fiasco is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
First of all I am not making a sweeping generalization about anyone. I am stating that if facts and information is what is held to a higher standard for media people, then why can't they pick up the phone and call someone to find out what the origin of the situation that is called a "try out."
Uh...yes you are. The title of the thread is "the media is at it again." You are making a sweeping generalization about all the media based on one instance you observed recently.

When the average fan makes a comment like "referees are corrupt," based on some random game they watched involving a solitary crew, that is also making a sweeping generalization. I'm not sure why you insist that you are saying something that you clearly are not.

If a Presidential Candidate says something that is slightly untrue the media picks at and dissects every minor detail. But if someone in the sporting world says something, the media barely fact checks or even checks the credibility of the information that is said. And then they perpetuate the same myths over and over again when clearly some of the information is a phone call away.

Do you have specific examples of this or are you just spouting off?

In other words, if I watch you ref a game and I say "boy, Rut really made a bunch of bad calls today and it cost Illinois High the game," I better have some specific examples of what I'm talking about and not some sweeping generalizations, because that's all your posts have contained up until now.
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