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Old Thu Mar 27, 2008, 09:54pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
First of all I am not making a sweeping generalization about anyone. I am stating that if facts and information is what is held to a higher standard for media people, then why can't they pick up the phone and call someone to find out what the origin of the situation that is called a "try out." Not only that, they could call former NBA Officials or the NBA directly to find out how the system works. And you would think with the way the recent gambling scandal took place, I really would like to check this out before I went on the airways and internet or paper before I started stating things that are not facts. Not only would it not be hard to find out but the information is a phone call away or just do some research on the internet like many of us here do to find out all kind of officiating information. I am sure if someone over this site was contacted or if NASO people were contacted, they would gladly lead a reporter in the right direction. If these individuals know so much about why someone is drafted or who is on the trading block, you cannot have a conversation with the NBA as to where the officials come from that become apart of the NBA staff? Or better yet how the NDBL hires their officials and how they are integrated into the NBA. It is not like the information is top secret and held away from the public. Heck we talk about it all the time here.

Also this is not the only example of this kind of misinformation that is talked about on this site. There are many references to articles in multiple sports and by different reporters and the lack of understanding of basic officiating information is astounding. These media people even quote coaches about officiating and they do not fact check basic claims of procedures or practices in conferences or leagues. If a Presidential Candidate says something that is slightly untrue the media picks at and dissects every minor detail. But if someone in the sporting world says something, the media barely fact checks or even checks the credibility of the information that is said. And then they perpetuate the same myths over and over again when clearly some of the information is a phone call away.

Rut - this is one of the most outstanding posts I've ever seen on this site. You nailed it. And yes - I'm on my meds.
Yom HaShoah
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