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Old Thu Mar 27, 2008, 04:53pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by SWMOzebra
I would suggest the problem here is, although this comes from a media outlet, it isn't a news show. It's a show by a commentator who happens to have an opinion on a wide variety of sports subjects. It would be the same if you got your political news from Rush Limbaugh or Jon Stewart.

Otherwise, chalk it up the same way we chalk up ignorant remarks by fans sitting in the stands....'cause neither of them are likely to change anytime soon.
I do agree with what you are saying. But these people are only on the show because they hold journalist positions. Hill is a writer for ESPN and writes many articles for ESPN Page 2. Now she does give her opinion and that is OK with me. But I would expect simply picking up the phone and calling the people with the NBA and find out what is the nature of the clinic before saying anything that is clearly not true. My point is she made it seem like the NBA was just picking guys and gals off the street, rather than allowing qualified officials at other levels trying to get hired by the NBA. She even made a reference to the rules as if to suggest the people in attendance would not know anything about the rules of basketball.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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