Originally Posted by JRutledge
It is amazing that people that pride themselves on giving accurate information cannot even get basic officiating information correct.
I was watching Rome is burning and guest host Jemele Hill talked about the NBDL Camp the NBA is running for "Open Tryouts." Then she goes on to say that basically some Insurance Salesman might get a shot as to suggest that anyone who wants to referee is going to be eligible.
At what point do these media people check facts against their ignorant opinion?
I just do not understand, the media prides themselves on getting facts straight. They claim that guys like Canseco, is credible when he exposed steroids in Major League Baseball, then claim he is not credible when he makes similar claims about other players in his new book. But they cannot check the facts of how the NBA or how officials in the NCAA are trained or picked to work games? It is amazing the amount of ignorance of basic facts media has when it comes to basic issues. I do not work for the NBA and I have enough knowledge to know that any "Open Tryout" is not for some guy just walking off the street to be realistically considered. I have enough knowledge that the officials that will be picked to work in the NBA system are already accomplished officials from the HS level to the college level.
Is my frustration even warranted? Or should I just chalk it up as the way it is and always will be?
It's a hot button right now with officiating. Officials at the highest level are under more scrutiny then ever before because of the obvious, Internet, More TV coverage, more everything. Every controversial HIGH SCHOOL call is now seen by everyone in the country 50 times on Youtube, you can't escape the hot lights. God forbid you may just miss a travel or pass on contact in the final seconds.
Its mind boggling. And the more exposure this stuff gets, the more the media will try and create a story. They're lemmings and they all fall to the temptation to amplify, distort, twist, for the sake of what they deem 'news'
I'm with you, and sick especially of all the talking....no make that screaming heads, that permeate the airwaves.
Insurance salesmen becoming officials? What about all the ex jocks that retire and instantly are thrown a microphone or the babe who is hired strictly because she has a couple a things going for her.