Runners on 2nd and 3rd, 2 outs, ball hit to the shortstop. I take a few cheat steps toward first and am set for the play. I notice that the throw is going to be high. The first baseman jumps up right over first base. I am focused on the base waiting to see if the first baseman comes down first, or runner gets the bag first. The runner hits the bag first. Here's the problem. Their was a tag also. I thought I might have heard it but was screened by the large first baseman's body. I called safe after thinking about going to my partner. I hear the uproar from the coaches whose dugout was 15 yards from the base. I then asked my plate umpire (2-man system) if he had a tag. He made a great call and called the runner out. My question is, would you go to the plate umpire when you know he is 90 feet away, not at the 45 foot line like he would be with nobody out, or would you live and die with the call? I was working with a good partner and he made a good call. Thinking back on it I might have asked first before making my call but it is a hard call to put on your partner who is 90 feet away. I would have a hard time making the tag call when I couldn't see it but heard something. Comments??