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Old Wed Mar 26, 2008, 06:27pm
fullor30 fullor30 is offline
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy
I didn't know they were doing that. Are they setting up a temporary fence, or will one of the outfields be a mile-and-a-half long?
The wallyness of Wally Moon

Brings back old memories of the 'unibrow' who led the league in homers very early in the season.

You could use a weed whacker on those eyebrows

"And his best stretch, 1959-61, saw him put up a .310/.405/.485 batting line. That this was his best stretch is both a reason for acclaim and a factor that makes some revisionists undervalue his performance. The Dodgers during those years played in the L.A. Memorial Coliseum, an Olympic track facility that worked for football but was beyond funkadelic for baseball. Look. The right field fence was near Tijuana, so it killed most lefties. The left field fence had to be squashed into the rectangle so it was only 251 feet from home plate. To try to balance that zaniness, the team put up a 40 to 42 foot screen, about 10% taller than Fenway's Green Monster. Wally Moon was able to launch occasional homers by looping to the opposite field with an inside-out swing, and people in L.A. took to calling those kinds of lazy high-arcing big flies "Moon Shots". To look at Moon historically, should we diminish our appreciation because it was such a ridiculous park configuration, or should we grant him a bit of reverence for figuring out how to overcome an equally ridiculous punishment for left-handed batters?"

Last edited by fullor30; Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 06:31pm.
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