When the umpire said "read the rulebook" he may have meant (or even said) "read the local rules". City leagues are allowed to make adjustments as they see fit....perhaps the powers-that-be in the Tampa Parks and Rec Department have installed a local rule (mimicing the seniors) for safety purposes?
I find that the further local leagues stray fron the ASA book the more problems arise.
While I prefer calling FP, I do work mens SP twice a week. Mondays in one town, Wednesdays in another. I've been involved with the Monday town for a long time. There's only one rule modification. I am new to the Wednesday league...and there are several local rules there. At the umpires meeting I asked for a rundown of all the local rule modifications (we were not provided with a copy of the local rules). Here's what I was told:
HR Equalizer
Teams may start with 8 players
Matball (there's a mat...plate + mat are strikes)
12 run mercy rule
Me: "That's it?"
Response: "That's it."
First game, second batter. F1 misses plate and (huge) mat with three straight pitches. Batter trots to 1B. I call him back. Then partner tells me "they start with a 1-1 count here...been that way for 20 years".
NOW who looks like the idiot?