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Old Mon Jul 01, 2002, 11:37am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Red face Wow!!!

Originally posted by devdog69

It is not at all about that Rutledge. No one here has said they would have given a technical in the original situation. Common sense and, as you say, the "spirit" of the rule says you should just ask the kid not to do it again. What it is about, is you not knowing the rule. You said "But I would never T a kid for something not covered specificially in the rules like this. It just would not be good common sense." It most certainly is covered in the rules and needs to be so we would have reason to assess a technical if the player ignores our request to stop and continues to delay the game. Stop changing the subject and admit you didn't know it was a rule.
Give a T then. It is a rule. How can you look at yourself in the mirror and not give a T?

The casebook is for the interpretations, not the rulebook unless specifically covered. This is not specifically covered and is not in the casebook. Kid did not ignore Mark, nor delay the game. If that is the case, call Ts on coaches that have the ball roll to them or players and they do not immediately give the ball right back to you after you ask. Go looking for trouble all you want, I am going to ALWAYS TRY to avoid Ts at all cost and this is one of those times. Especially when there is nothing that covers this specific situation.

You are right, I have never seen or known of a casebook play that covers this. To me this is a big reach on your part or anyone that really wants to give a kid a T for this.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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