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Old Thu Mar 20, 2008, 08:49pm
umpjong umpjong is offline
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Originally Posted by mbyron
I don't believe you. Pro instruction on this play is -- and has been for decades -- as others have posted: if the BR beats the ball to the base, then he is safe, and you signal safe, whether he touches the base or not. If not, then BR is liable to be put out on appeal.

Troll alert.
You can believe what you want, just telling you what he said.
And I do agree with his assessment. Again answer why you would reward a player for missing a base? This play at first base is a little different, as this is the base you can over run. I will agree that the close play discussed (where runner passed base without touching, and ball then being caught by F3 and on base) is a grey area, but again as he explained it, who touched the base first? If this is wrong then post verification. Just relating what I was told.
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