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Old Thu Mar 20, 2008, 02:54pm
Rita C Rita C is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 872
For those who care

I wrote about my situation with a certain coach at a nearby middle school.

I have found out that I do not need to fear for my safety. He was very uncomplementary in his emails to my assignor but not dangerous.

Taking me off the games is just temporary, for this season only. My assignor says we start over with the new season.

Given the opportunity, if I am assigned to one of his games, it will be with another woman. We'll see what happens on his part. (And maybe we'll have a better idea if the real problem is that I'm female.) The two of us will be quite professional, I assure you.

My assignor has his game today. I get to know what happens there tomorrow.

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