Originally Posted by IREFU2
I kind of disagree with you. If he is out of the coaching box, slapping the scoring table, as well as banging his head on it, that is not enthusiasm, that is poor sportsmanship. If I see that, we would have had a nice conversation......We had a coach in our area that did that a lot and even put his bottled water on the scoring table. This gave him an excuse to be out of the box. In Virginia (VHSL), the situation is kind of simple, if you are out of the box, its a technical foul regardless of the reason. Is it enforced???? Sometimes. JMHO of course!!!!
That sounds wonderful, but most of the time the officials were not in the picture and obviously on the other side of the court. Very little of his antics were with officials standing next to him. And the point is that unless there is a dead ball, most officials might not have any idea he is even jumping around or hitting the table. And if you want an automatic T given, you do have to have the officials witness the behavior. It was clear that most officials were likely paying attention to the play, not the actions or the whereabouts of the coach.