Originally Posted by JEL
Next question;
Do you tell the offensive coach that the same batter will lead off next inning, or not?
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Indeed, on a situation where this is a FOUL fly ball, the runner at first is out and the batter who struck the foul ball is the leadoff batter for the next inning.
Or is at least supposed to be.
Certainly do not tell them who is supposed to be leadoff batter for the next inning unless they ask. Otherwise you are taking a chance of depriving the defense of the opportunity to obtain an out for BOO. If they ask, do tell them...but be sure to tell them correctly.
BTW, if the ball is FAIR, the offending runner is out. The batter is awarded 1B. How they score it, I don't care...fielder's choice I suppose. On a FAIR ball in this situation, the leadoff batter for their next inning would be the person whose name follows that of the batter who struck the fair fly ball.
And, of course, the rule is different depending on your rule set. Ain't life grand?
Actually, it is grand, because we have the opportunity to umpire these games. Monday's game was a 3-1 barnburner. I was BU. You know how they talk about BU maybe only making six close calls a game...damn, I must've had 10 at least. Tuesday's game was 14-1. Today's game probably won't be that close. I still appreciate the opportunity, and I hope you do too.