Batter Interference...
ASA Rules Just wondering where everyone stands re: the intent needed to justify batter interference on a catcher attempting to throw out a runner. I'm honestly still a little confused about how much intent there needs to be after reading RS #33B and R7 sec6 P,Q and R. Seeing the words "actively hindering" and "intentional" are making me a little nervous. I apologize ahead of time if i haven't given enough info.
#33B B. Batter interference occurs while the batter is at bat and before the ball is
batted. It occurs in fast pitch when the batter interferes with the catcher’s
throw on an attempted steal or when the batter interferes with the catcher on a play at the plate. The batter’s box is not a sanctuary for the batter when a play is being made at the plate. Interference could also occur when a batter releases the bat in a manner that it hits the catcher and
prevents them from making a play. If the batter merely drops the bat and
the catcher trips over it, there is no interference. Batter interference is
also described in RS #24B.
R7 sec 6 The Batter is Out P,Q and R
P. When hindering the catcher from catching or throwing the ball by stepping out of the batter’s box.
Q. When actively hindering the catcher while in the batter’s box.
R. When intentionally interfering with a thrown ball, in or out of the batter’s box.
Last edited by scroobs; Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 12:13pm.