2008 NFHS Baseball Rules Interpretations
SITUATION 20: With the bases empty, the visiting team is at bat and the assistant coach in the first base coach's box is wearing a dual flap helmet while the head coach in the third base coach's box is wearing a hard liner under his team cap. The home team coach complains to the umpire-in-chief that both coaches must wear the same type of protective helmet in accordance with MLB rules. RULING: The NFHS has not mandated that adult coaches shall wear protective head gear while occupying a coach's box. It is the prerogative of the respective coach to wear such protective equipment. The NFHS is conducting research to determine if protective head gear should be required and, if so, which type (hard liner, flapless, one-flap, dual flap) would be most effective. However, it is mandatory that when occupying a coach's box, a coach shall wear the team cap and that players/students wear a batting helmet that meets the NOCSAE standard and has dual ear flaps. (3-2-1, 1-5-1, 1-4-1)
Source: http://www.nfhs.org/web/2008/02/2008...s_interpr.aspx
Some leagues have adopted the rule. Some may wait until next year because of "distribution" problems. Some may adopt a wait and see approach.
See post #4 for American Legion policy letter in the following thread: Participant Safety.
Last edited by SAump; Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 11:03am.