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Old Tue Mar 18, 2008, 09:14am
David B David B is offline
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Originally Posted by jkumpire

I am making up a series of quizzes on FED rules for a blog I am involved with for our local association.

I have a list of questions I am working from, but I thought I would open up the floor to others. I would like some questions which deal with concrete plays an umpire will see on the field, not some half-baked ruling on a rare play from a FED test or the Casebook.

I am looking for practical questions to raise the BB rules IQ of the average FED umpire.

Any quizzes or questions appreciated! And I thank you for your help!

If doing a series, you might try doing each series on a different section of the book. That's what I've done in the past and seems to help them stay focused on one section of rules instead of jumping around.

I will do a pitching quiz, then the batter, then the runner, then administration etc., mixing in mechanics with them.

As far ad questions I agree, the umpires tend to forget the easy things:

I read a newpaper article last week in a game where it stated the umpire called an out for a player removing the helmet. Immediately i just cringed because that's not FED rules.

Another area that's prone to review is obstruction by BR - many umpires don't know the penalties, and of course always a few questions on BOO.

Those are some things that can and will actually happen in a game etc.,

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