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Old Mon Mar 17, 2008, 01:40pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
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Hi Mike:

Tee and some others sent you a private E-mail. Hopefully if the info is not confidential you or Tee can share with the group.

My only comment on this issue would be:

If umpires are or start getting treated as employees then the FEES will have to be grossed up so that net net you make the same otherwise it's my gut that umpires will start dropping "like flys" as financially it simply will not be worth it.

Pete Booth

One of the issues we are having in Washington, and I believe Oregon has a similar issue, is that our Employment Securities Department (Unemployment) and our Labor and Industries Department (Workman's Comp) have set a standard for independent contractors that is drastically different from IRS'.

One could be considered an employee by the Washington State and an Independent Contractror by IRS, or so I've been told by the IRS and the Washington Employment Securities Department.
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