Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Opponent has both hands so firmly on the ball that the offensive player can't do anything with it? Held ball.
If the same play happened on an airborne shooter, what would you call?
Jurassic...if the defender's action cause the shooter not to release the ball I have held ball...If the defender places his hands on the ball in the act of shooting and then lets go, I either have a clean play (provided no body or contact with arms) or a travel cause the shooter comes back down to the floor with ball in hand
I'm questioning because Player A is moving one way, Player B the other and I don't know if enough time had lapsed for a judgement to be made if the O player could not do anything with the ball...As fast as the ball came in and then the travel took place...that's where my question lies...
Plus, I could not even see the ball because I was behind the play...
It was one that if I was where the guys at the table were...I'd be able to see the action and better determine. As stated, my original question about pushing the ball with no contact to the player....Push or no? A few have said it seems as if my travel call was correct...
And for you cycling enthusiasts hammering me on the backpedal...I don't do that all the time...sometimes, yes, but generally I'm running looking back over my shoulder...perhaps I should have stated I was moving away from the play in anticipation of it advancing to the FC.