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Old Fri Mar 14, 2008, 11:47am
RCBSports RCBSports is offline
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What's the Difference Between FIBA, NCAA and NFHS

Alright, I have been on here for a little while and read a lot of different threads. I truly learned a lot through here...Anyway, next year I will be taking the officiating class (17yrs) then when I am 18, I will take the class again and become a class/level 3 referee.

However, I keep hearing some of these refs saying things about FIBA, NCAA, NFHS. My question is, what is the difference between them? I know the NFHS but what is the difference between NFHS and FIBA and NCAA? Just wondering.

18 Years of Age; First Year Official - FINALLY AFTER WAITING FOR THREE YEARS!!!
WVSSAC - MonValley Referee
Little League Baseball Umpire Coordinator
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