BU help PU with catch/no catch in infield?
First time poster:
NFHS game. R1 on 1B, 1 out. I’m the BU in the B slot. Pop fly to infield, F4 moves in to catch it. She bobbles the ball around a little. On F4’s touch R1 takes off for 2B. I take a step with the runner and watch PU for “Out/Safe.” F4, from the ground, throws the ball to 2B. R1 totally beat the ball, easy call safe.
Coach starts screaming at me telling me F4 actually caught the ball. I quiet him down, talk it over with the PU who upholds and signals the call that it was not a catch. The coach is still asking ME to tell him whether or not I saw the catch. I was only about 5 feet from the play and definitely saw the first part of the play, but not the finish. I just tell him that’s the PU’s call, and I didn’t see anything that would change it. Play ball.
My question: SHOULD I stay with a catch/no catch play like that? And if I see something different from the PU what should I do?