Originally posted by Mark Padgett:
Note I'm not addressing one shot vs. two shots. Two shots is fine in high school to emphasize the penalty. But why should possession be a part of the penalty? If an offensive team commits a technical, they lose two shots and the ball. If a defensive team commits a technical, they lose only the two shots.
Personally, Mark, I don't have a problem with the possession aspect of technical fouls. I don't know the statistics (though I bet you might), but I'd at least guess that most actions that get T'd occur when that player's or coach's team isn't going to have the ball anyway--like after a reaction to a foul call, or a no-call on a shot (whether made or missed). Obviously there are situations when players react (or coaches scream for a foul) while on offense, but if my guess is generally true, then in most cases the "T-ed" team isn't going to be affected by the opponents getting the ball anyway.
But even if I'm wrong in my hypothesis, I think at least at the high school level, and possibly still at the college level, the emphasis needs to be on ensuring that a penalty does what it's supposed to do--PENALIZE! If the penalty (for unsportsmanlike behavior) becomes too minute, then it's not going to do it's "job" of encouraging proper behavior on the court. The prospect of losing the ball should, theoretically at least, provide some additional incentive for a player or coach keeping his/her mouth shut. They know the rule, so if they want to jeopardize possession while on offense, so be it.
Another thought: If the idea is to TRULY penalize the unsporting behavior, why not simply AWARD one or two points for a technical rather than offer only the POSSIBILITY of the other team getting a couple points? After all, if the opponents miss the free throws and the penalized team gets the ball back, there has, in effect, been NO penalty (other than getting closer to bonus and a disqualification). I know the awarding of points will never happen (except in summer leagues, maybe), but if you think about the purpose of assessing a technical, you might agree it would make sense to do so. I know you love these philosophical discussions, Mark, so here's your chance to keep one going a bit longer.
[This message has been edited by Todd VandenAkker (edited June 20, 2000).]