Wed Mar 12, 2008, 02:08am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,226
Originally Posted by fitump56
It's so kewl to make fun of those guys who for w/e reason call ball in less than presentable wear. Of course, he's the same guy who allos those games to be played umps being a scarcity in most places. Wonder why that is considering you publicly make fun of your bretheren.
Maybe it's the fact that he is there and forces the demand-supply curve so that you can't charge $200 per game that drives you to make fun.
I think it's the same cruel streak that causes you and yours to attack young umpires like Canadaump who, for God Knows What reason see no reason to homage the Old Guard here.
Yeah, he's got a split in his pants, no hat and prolly no mechanics. He called a pitiful game. People laughed at him like you are dong now.
The kids played.
.......I think you completely missed the joke. Relax chief...