Thread: pouch kickoff
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Old Wed Jun 26, 2002, 01:57pm
Mike Simonds Mike Simonds is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 489
Cool Protection for kicker and holder...

Thanks guys.

You helped me recognize the NFHS intent of the rule regarding protection of the kicker and holder on free kicks. The overriding factor should always be that they have special protection until they have regained their balance and have moved to participate in the play.

The other criteria: kick has been grounded, kicker and holder have moved 5 yards beyond their free kick line, etc. should be secondary to player safety.

I only saw roughing the kicker once on a free kick. A high school team had a female kicker (she recently kicked 3 extra points in a semi-pro game) who once kicked off and the other team sent a "head-hunter" to go after her. She retreated about 5 yards trying to get away from him but he succeeded in "pancaking" her to the turf. He got flagged because she was off-balance and not moving to participate in the play.

To her credit she did make a few tackles during the course of the season and she really loves the sport.
Mike Simonds
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