Originally posted by ChuckElias
As far as I know from the most recent research, including polling data culled from IAABO members' opinions regarding the past 10 seasons' rulebooks, casebooks and officials manuals, the NFHS has taken a stand opposing run-on sentences which tend to add unnecessary and also apparently sometimes redundant phrasing and terminology to the already lengthy officiating literature that the NF makes available to all its members, who have apparently complained about the proliferation of these run-on sentences throughout the last decade and been very active in trying to enact some sort of guidelines for the use (or the avoidance) of such sentences, which tend to confuse not only the Fed membership, but also the players when they come out for the captains' meeting and also the coaches when they relunctantly request a clarification on a rules question that may arise during the course of a contest; but it was determined that actually rewriting the Fed literature was too large and expensive a task to undertake at the present time, so instead of a massive rewrite or a complete reworking of the rulebook, it was decided that a relatively short POE -- in comparison to the POEs on traveling or rough play which have been included over the last several years -- would have to suffice to clarify the issue for all of the parties involved.
I see.
(BTW, & with apologies to J Dallas Shirley, I expect a
vigorous rebuttal from MTD Sr.
