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Old Mon Mar 10, 2008, 02:53pm
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Originally Posted by Reffing Hoosier
Look Most agree I should have done something different ( a T or talk to the coach) however, don't villafy me for not saying anything to him during the game. We all see players with a mild reaction to a call. He never reacted verbally to any play during the game. That obviously earns a warning if not a T. But basketball can be emotional and a frowny face can normally be overlooked. I just don't at all agree with the point of view that I let the kid get away with crap the whole game, therefore I can't do anything to him at the end of the game. I think from that standpoint you had to be there to see what I mean. I guess the YOU SUCK took me off guard, even from this kid. I hope I mad myself clear here.
I think people are reading your OP differently than you intended it. I will say, however, that consistent "looks," "glares," or even "scowls" can be dealth with by talking to the kid like I mentioned previously. If you think they were all too minor to address, even in aggregate, then you still have the right to T the kid afterwards.
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