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Old Mon Mar 10, 2008, 02:51pm
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Originally Posted by Coltdoggs
These are kids...there are different ways to teach them...They don't really have that ability to see past point A to B....they don't know what lies ahead in C, D and E......In the OP's sitch...I don't really know that the T after the game is done is going to do anything for him....I'd probalby choose to handle it differently...something that I would hope to be more effective and sink in....That's all...At a higher level....sure, slap that T....the HS Assocs. will find out about it....AAU, Travel/Rec stuff...what's that T gonna do...A big "So Effin' What....You still SUCK!"
At this point, my only concern is to give what was earned (the T).
If you need to know what it accomplishes (aside from following the rules and casebook), it's easy.
It teaches the little turn that the final horn isn't a license to be stupid. The fact that he saved it for after the horn tells me that's precisely what he thought.
Sprinkles are for winners.
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