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Old Mon Mar 10, 2008, 02:45pm
Coltdoggs Coltdoggs is offline
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Originally Posted by Bad Zebra
That's a REALLY BAD idea after an emotional outburst by a 14 year old that isn't your son or daugter.
It very well may be....however, I have used it before and will do so in the future....

I did it Saturday on a player who picked up a T early in the first quarter when he took exception to a foul/headlock after he put on a very nice pump fake....Both players got to jawing so I hit them both with Ts. It was later in the quarter and the kid who got fouled still seemed upset and make an overly aggresive swipe that drew some contact which he was whistled for... took him aside and said:

"Let me explain to you what is going to happen if you keep this up and pick up another T....You'll be done for this game and if your team advances, you will not be playing in that game. Do you want that to happen?" He answered NO....I then said, "Do yourself and your team a favor and get your head right, right now and play under control". He said "yes sir" and I had no issues with him the rest of the game....

These are kids...there are different ways to teach them...They don't really have that ability to see past point A to B....they don't know what lies ahead in C, D and E......In the OP's sitch...I don't really know that the T after the game is done is going to do anything for him....I'd probalby choose to handle it differently...something that I would hope to be more effective and sink in....That's all...At a higher level....sure, slap that T....the HS Assocs. will find out about it....AAU, Travel/Rec stuff...what's that T gonna do...A big "So Effin' What....You still SUCK!"
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