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Old Sun Mar 09, 2008, 11:40pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by ronald
2nd time trying to respond to this thread.

The counterpoint I was referring to works ISF sanctioned tournaments (World Cup) and worked with Mike at the Central Atlantic Clinic.

I specifically asked her if the runner that was off first base could just stand off 1B and watch the runner run home and not be in violation of the LBR. The response was yes. The fake throw took off the LBR and now the other runner is completing a play. She made it know that the LBR is nullified with the fake throw and will not go back into effect until the runner from 3rd completes her play.

I may have mangled the description and misunderstood everything she said, but I do not think so.

If needed, I will email her the play.

If there was a play on the runner going home, that would be correct. However, if for some reason the pitchers simply stands in the circle with the ball simply ignoring the runners, there is nothing to support that contention. Of course, we all know that isn't going to happen.
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