Originally Posted by ozzy6900
I've got R1 out as in the video. There was a touch by R1 to F6 but it did not affect the throw as it was quality enough to be a whacker at 1st. Personally I thought B1 was also out for the DP but the video doesn't put me in U1's perspective.
In FED, however, I have interference just for R1's touch of F6 and I'll get both R1 & B1 out for the action. Remember, the video is "big boy" ball (NCAA) but in kiddie ball (FED), it doesn't matter whether the throw was a quality one or not.
"Sorry, coach! Your man intentionally reached out and made contact with F6. I got 2 out here!"
I think it's a FPSR violation in NCAA (even without the contact), but maybe not in FED? Huh???
NCAA FPSR: The slide must be "directly into a base" unless it is away from the fielder. "Directly into a base" requires the runners feet legs, trunk AND ARMS to stay in a straight line between the bases. The runner slid illegally (with or without the contact).
8.4.c. Actions by a runner are illegal and interference shall be called if:
(5) The runner slides illegally toward or contacts the fielder...
FED says the slide is illegal if (among other things not applicable here) the runner does not slide on the ground and in a direct line between the two bases. Our interpreter said that means both legs must be toward the base, but nothing about arms.
If the slide is legal, contact and altering the play are also legal, unless the contact is malicious.
A runner is also out if he intentionally interferes (not attempts to interfere) with a throw, and here's where you might be able to get him, but I don't think the runner's actions had any affect on the throw.